Wednesday, March 30, 2011

REAP the Rewards of a Comfortable Home

The Realtor Energy Audit Program (REAP) sponsered by the California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) provides a $250.00 rebate for an energy audit when a buyer gets an FHA Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) and uses a CA realtor.   For a comfortable, energy-efficient home the first thing you need to do is get an energy audit once you decide on your perfect or soon-to-be perfect home.  Actually the first thing to do is talk to your mortgage broker about a Energy Efficient Mortgage which will allow you to borrow more money to do energy-efficient upgrades.  In both cases you need a HERS (Home Energy Rating System) home energy audit of the home before the close of escrow. A HERS rater will give you a road map within your budget to achieve a home without drafts, where every room is the same temperature and your utility bills are lower.  This program is effective until December 31, 2011

Give me a call, 818-321-7200 if you are looking for a home..  I have the green resources to make your renovation or build happen. Take the first step.

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